
Thursday 2 July 2015

Hopa term two writing sample

On Friday there was a big bounce castle on the file and the whole pt england school expect the year 8 7 6. The Youth pride bring the. Bounce castle because the holiday program class 11 and 12 was amazed with it the blue And with heaps of colors the bouncy castle was like Amazing but it took forever just to get there The line was big and when we got here me and. Ayman was first me and Ayman was talking and We were like lets leaped off and and after that ayman was like Lets do the karate chop and we didn't do it ayman. Just.Just sild down and i went up and slid down so class 11 and 12 was allowed to have a another turn and ayman.Jumped it was funny and i did the same thing Too but i jumped even higher and rebounded we went off to our. Class it was amazed with the bounce castle And work and wrote matariki the 7 sisters we had to finish it when we got there we all was happy.And i finish my matariki work.

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