
Thursday 29 October 2015

hopa non stop cricket

On thursday class 11 and 12 went to non stop cricket. Mr Moran and some of class 11 and 12 were setting it up. For class 11 and 12 and when we got out of class it was freeze and some people were warm and some people were warm and first up was class and then it was us i baited it as.

Strong as i can and i was feeling so hot and when the. Sneakiest he is a boy and was the tallest in the whole class but we'd all had fun when i was a fielder and i got the ball and got back to ayman’s team and i only went for there team and when we were.

the batting people and class 11 was the fildier i was we all hit the ball furiously and some people sprinting like up and down and i got 39  points for class 12 and we nearly won but class 11 won we lost we lost maybe from 10 or 11.

and we went back we got 1 turn that’s all i shouted to a person that a ball was in front of you and he got the ball fast as and then we got our turn when we were done nobody else was going to have a turn.

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