
Thursday, 7 November 2019

Hopa 6-sentence story

Once upon a time there was a young man who was a professional player at fortnite he has won millions of dollars. He lived in the faze house with other people like Cloak (the leader) and other famous people. He is a professional fortnite player and he makes stuff that is hard looks easy so when people try to do it they would fail. He is so good that he is getting invites to clans and is making decisions. He felt guilty for joining the other clans because how professional he is and he started to get scared.but he has chosen the right path and is still in the faze clan and has millions of views and subscribers which has made his life happy The end.

:description The whole of our writing class had to write a 6 sentence story. We did it from an order starting is once upon a time, describe were the character lives,Describe the characters special talent, describe the problem, tell why the character felt that way, and tell how the character solved the problem,

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